Sísọ síta
Ìtumọọ Adédibú
1. The crown has become an ocean, has become wide and influential. 2. One who arrives in time to become as deep/influential as the ocean.
Ìtúpalẹ̀ Mọ́fímù
adé-di-ibú, a-dé-di-ibú
Ìtumọ̀ ẹyọ-ẹyọ
adé - crown, royaltydi - become
ibú - ocean, sea
a - someone
dé - arrive
dì - become
ibú - ocean
Ó pọ̀ ní:
Àwọn Ènìyàn Gbajúọ̀
Làmídì Aríyǐbí Àkànji Adédibú