

Meaning of Egbidinnúnúọlá

The kob antelope that is deeply nested in honor. [verification needed]

Extended Meaning

This name is a very old name, from the early 1800s. This is the name of my earliest known ancestor, my 4x-great-grandmother, who was a daughter of a chief or a king in Oǹdó in the early 19th century, and was later married to a prince of Àkúrẹ́. Egbin refers to the kob antelope and is a very beautiful antelope, and thus is deeply associated with honor, prestige, and is regarded as sacred. See the name Egbinọlá, as well as the saying "ó rẹwà bí egbin," "she is as beautiful as a kob antelope." In addition, the goddess Ògbòó, a water goddess worshipped in the Ekiti and Ondo region (and one of the wives of the supreme sky deity Ọlúayé/Ọ̀rìṣà), is deeply associated with fertility and children, and is believed to take the form of the egbin, which can be found in the oríkì of Ògbòó, "ọni régbi kọ́ mọ́ ta fọ̀, Ògbòó mọ̀ mọ́ra jegbi," "the one who sees the kob antelope must not shoot it, for Ògbòó takes the form of the kob."




egbi - kob antelope (egbin)
núnú - inside, within (nínú)
ọlá - honour, wealth, success, notability


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